Work With Us
Expect ...
Expect leaders to be dedicated to enhancing the well-being of all staff and moving closer to work-life balance.
Expect every member of SLT to teach to spread the load and to stay current.
Expect a sensibly sympathetic leadership team mindful of the demands of life.
Expect sensible performance appraisal, done with you not to you.
Expect the right amount of time for PPAs and the right amount of time to lead your area.
Expect a Trust with a wealth of expertise in all educational areas that you will have the opportunity to experience, develop, and train within.
Expect an open door from your leadership team where your views as a critical friend are openly welcomed.
Expect a two-week October half-term.
Expect a culture where everyone is valued and wants to help.
Expect only three external student assessments a year.
Expect a school with clear expectations for all students and unwavering support from leaders.
Expect a Student Support Officer linked to your year group who doesn’t teach with the aim of removing all barriers to learning.
Expect an inclusive school, dedicated to Restorative Approaches.
Expect systems and software that minimise administration and maximise your time to plan, deliver and assess excellent learning.
Expect great ICT support; swiftly.
Expect a sensible approach to assessment, monitoring, and reporting that maximises impact while minimising workload.
Expect sensible feedback strategies that reduce the workload but increase impact on student progress.
Expect a culture of sharing of great resources across classrooms and schools.
Expect a Behaviour for Learning strategy that is clear, restorative, and effective.
Expect continuing professional development tailored to your own individual needs and career plan; led by a Trust nationally recognised for its commitment to CPD.
Expect personalised induction and continued support as you start your role with us.
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