What We Do

School Improvement - never complacent and beyond our Trust

Full reviews of partner schools and brokered support  

Raising standards and progress at all levels

Governance reviews and support 

Ofsted support

Academisation support

Team leadership and collaboration

Peer review for Quality of Education

Tailored support at subject, cohort, and individual

Safeguarding reviews, accountability, and development

Finance support brokered through ESFA and SMS

Budget planning, mid and long-term financial forecasts

Subject support and development utilising Trust/School specialists

Leadership - supporting, developing and growing our school leaders and champions of children

Support, development, and accountability through the Chief Executive

Membership of the Executive Team to ensure support and stability in a changing educational landscape

Continuing professional development and support for Headteachers

Leadership Programs led by the Trust – NPQs, Leadership, Masters and more

SEND and Inclusion Leadership support development and the Trust SEND Team

Outstanding Trustees supporting Outstanding Governing Bodies

Clerk and Company Secretary leadership and support

Flexible Schemes of Delegation to support and ensure earned autonomy

Recruitment, Retention, and Development of Leaders with opportunities for experience across the Trust

Central Services - that empower schools to focus on what truly matters

Financial Leadership

Central Finance Team and Systems Payroll

Audit (Internal and External)

Central Information Technology Team and Leadership with Turn It on as a Premium Partner (External and Internal)

Human Resources Leadership and Centralised Team (Internal and Strictly Education as Premium Partner)

Operations Team Leadership and Operational


Premises and Estates Leadership

Growth and Improvement (Conditional Improvement, Bids and Oversight)

Compliance (Business Reporting, Returns and Statutory)

Trust Catering Leadership and Access

Trust Software and Licensing Packages Collective buying power to drive down cost

Collaboration - to change the lives of every child every day

Collaboration between our 360 colleagues and our 3500 students

MAT wide Inset to facilitate collaboration

SLT collaboration (Joint Meetings and Accountabilities)

Executive Team

Operations Teams Collaboration and Development Opportunities

Working with Premium Partners (Strictly, ISS, Wandle, UCL, St Marys, Lloyds etc)

Trust Safeguarding Board/Team Trust Raising Standards Team

Trust Learning, Teaching, and Development Team

Departmental and Subject Meetings and continual collaboration.

Sharing of all subject resources for all teachers

ECT Hubs and Support for new entrants to the profession