Trust Policies
You may access our policies by following the links below.
If the policy you wish to see does not have link, this is because either the policy is under review or the policy is a school based policy and can be found on the school-specific websites of Chessington School, Grey Court School, Hollyfield School.
- STATUTORY - Accessibility Plan - Please see individual school website
- STATUTORY - Admissions Policy - Please see individual school website
- Allergen and Anaphylaxis
- Asthma
- STATUTORY - Complaints Procedures
- Display Screen Equipment Policy
- STATUTORY - First Aid in Schools
- STATUTORY - Health and Safety Policy
- Infection control
- Intimate Care Policy
- STATUTORY - Protection of Biometric Data Policy
Curriculum and Pastoral
- STATUTORY - Behaviour in Schools - Please see individual school website
- STATUTORY - Careers access statement and careers programme - Please see individual school website
- STATUTORY - Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Statement - Please see individual school website
- Low Level Concerns
- STATUTORY - Children with health needs who can not attend school - Please see individual school website
- STATUTORY - Designated teacher for looked after and previously looked after children - Please see individual school website
- Pupil Premium Policy
- STATUTORY - Relationships and Sex Education
- STATUTORY - School exclusions
- STATUTORY - Secondary Attendance Management
- STATUTORY - Special educational needs and disability policy statement - Please see individual school website
- STATUTORY - Supporting pupils with medical conditions
- Technology acceptable use agreement for pupils
- STATUTORY - Business and Pecuniary Interests - Please see individual school website
- STATUTORY - Charging and Remissions Policy
- Debt recovery
- Anti-Fraud and Corruption policy
- Gifts, Hospitality and Anti-bribery Policy
- Governor monitoring checklist for financial efficiency
- STATUTORY - Governor's Allowances Policy
- Lettings Policy
- MAT Financial Policy
- STATUTORY - Reserves and Investment Policy
- Tender Policy
- Trustee expenses
Human Resources
- Device and Technology Acceptable Use Agreement for Staff
- STATUTORY - Pay Policy
- Allegations of Abuse Against Staff
- Code of Conduct - Please see individual school website
- DBS Policy
- Early Career Teacher Induction
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Induction of New Staff
- Maternity and Paternity Leave
- Menopause policy
- Shared Parental Leave
- Online safety
- Staff Probation
- Providing employment references for employees
- Redundancy and restructuring procedure
- School workforce privacy notice - Please see individual school website
- Single Central Record (SCR) policy
- Special Leave of Absence
- Staff Attendance management (being reviewed)
- Bullying and harassment
- CPD and Training
- Staff Capability Procedures
- Staff Disciplinary Procedure
- Staff Grievance Procedures
- Recruitment and Selection
- Staff Wellbeing (being reviewed)
- Time off in Lieu
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Safer Working Practices Policy
Premises and Health and Safety